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The Western Strip Cultural Institution has recourse to the Strasbourg Court.

DILLUNS, 10 OCTUBRE 2005. 00:00h
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Explaining the trip, last saturday in Torello.

Explaining the trip, last saturday in Torello.

The Western Strip Cultural Institution will apply next Wednesday to Strasbourg in order to denounce the Government of the Autonomous Community of Aragon, before the European Defender of the People, and to take initial steps of denunciation before the Human Rights Court, with the main purpose that the Catalan language be declared co-official language in the Catalan fringe of Aragon, states Guillem Chacon, Secretary General of the Institution.

Additionally they will present in a Press conference a report on the situation of the Catalan language in the area. With this purpose, 12 representatives of the Executive Council of the Institution will be there.

“After being in Zaragoza and Madrid, we vindicate in Europe that Catalan be recognized as a co-official –and not only as a purely local-language, and that teaching in the area should also be made in Catalan”, states Guillem Chacon.

The Institution expects –even without being fully confident- that Europe will prove sensitive to the situation; “it will all depend on the reply of the Defender of the People”. For this reason, it is already planning further steps, such as submitting the case to the Worldwide Congress on Culture, that the World Commerce Organizarion will hold in Hong Kong December 13/18. In that event, the case will be extended to the defence of the language in all Catalan Countries.

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